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Monday, December 12, 2011

Egg Curry in north india recipe


boiled egges - 4
onians         2
tomattor       2
oil            2 tsp
powder         2 tspn
chillipowder   1 tspn
meat masala    1 tspn
garam masala   1/4 tspn
turmeric and
salt            required
water           as required


Cut eggs in small pieces for best results. mash 2 onion with white onian and ginger and 2 tommattos (both onian and tomattos) seperately. boil a little oil in a pan and put a few mustards on it .then fry the mashed onions upto brown , then put tommatto , let it become brown color,add 2 tspn corriander powder, 1 tspn pepper powder, 1 tspn chilli powder, 1 tspn meat masala, 1/4 tspn garam masala, then put a little water (as required) then add boiled egg pieces . add a 1/4 tspn turmeric and salt (required).